We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.

Albert Einstein

Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters.

Albert Einstein

Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.

Winston Churchill

The secret of getting ahead is getting started.

Mark Twain

About us

Our law firm was founded in 2014 by attorney Pavla Bolner. 

Business profile of the law firm is based on providing legal services in the field of labor, commercial, civil and corporate law.

The basic guidelines that accompany us through work are proficiency, independence, accuracy, enthusiasm, dedication and responsiveness. With personal and individual approach and by respecting basic ethical and moral principles, we always follow our aim, i.e. to find the best and the most effective solution for every client. We see the basis of trust and professional relationship between an attorney and a client in a comprehensive and transparent treatment of every single case and client. The latter without any doubt includes especially acquainting the client with realistic view and assessment of the case, informing the client in advance with costs of our services and to evaluate the reasonableness of the process.

We communicate with our clients in Slovene, English, Croatian and Serbian language.

We also organize and execute focused workshops.

Please contact us if you would like to organize a workshop or legal training in your company.

We want to organize an in-house workshop in the legal field.

At the time of establishing the law firm, we have devoted special attention to a comprehensive legal support of our clients in respect of processing personal data, i.e. especially preparing agreements on processing personal data, internal policies, contracts with data processors and obtaining permissions for transfer of personal data to third countries. 

With the knowledge and experience we obtained, we had an opportunity to provide our clients immediate and reliable information and guidelines on processing personal data in accordance with the General data protection regulation (GDPR).

I would like more information about GDPR

Our serviceS

Legal advising

Legal advising

  • legal opinions
  • advisory
  • evaluation of possibility of success
  • counseling and negotiation in business transactions
Representing clients

Representing clients,
especially in:

  • civil procedures
  • enforcement procedures
  • insolvency procedures (bankruptcy, compulsory settlement)
  • individual labor disputes
  • administration procedures
  • procedures at insurance companies
  • procedures at employers
  • inspection procedures
Pavla Bolner - odvetnica

Preparation of legal documents, especially:

  • preparation of all needed documents regarding personal data
  • preparation of contracts
  • preparation of internal policies of the employer
  • preparation of documents needed for terminating the employment contract
  • preparation of documents needed for registration in the Companies register
More about preparation of legal documents


Attorney at Law Pavla Bolner

Education: In 2008 she obtained the title Bachelor of Laws at the Faculty of Laws at the University of Maribor. In 2011 she successfully accomplished the exam on general administrative procedure and then in 2012 she successfully accomplished the bar exam.

Foreign languages: English, Croatian and Serbian

Experience: Her first expirience with advocacy was in 2005 when she started working for a law firm in Ljubljana, where they employed here as a Junior associate in 2009.  After the bar exam in 2012 she was employed as Attorney candidate in a law firm in Ljubljana, which operated as a part of a multinational cooperation. As of 2014 she practices advocacy as an independen Attorney-at-law. For many years she has been participating as a lecturer and leader of many workshops and seminars about personal data protection (GDPR), employer’s material liability and enforcement.

Business information

Attorney at Law Pavla Bolner

Slovenska cesta 27
1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

Phone: +386 (0)31 37 73 26

Mobile: +386 31 377 326

Fax: +386 1 200 98 44

E-mail: info@bolner.si

Official hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00

Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00

Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00

Thursday 09:00 - 17:00

Friday 09:00 - 17:00

Saturday Closed

Sunday Closed

Contact form

Legal advising
Representing clients
Preparation of legal documents


By this Privacy Notice a Data Controller Odvetnica Pavla Bolner, Slovenska cesta 27, 1000 Ljubljana, phone number 386 1 200 98 42, e-mail: pavla.bolner@bolner.si (hereinafter: “Odvetnica”) informs you about processing your personal data when you submit an inquiry via website www.bolner.si.  

Legal basis and categories of personal data

Since processing is necessary to take steps at the request of the data subject before entering into a contract, we will process the following categories of your data: personal name, e-mail address and any personal details you may include in the question submitted to our office. 

Odvetnica enables potential clients to submit an inquiry / question via website www.bolner.si. To be able to process your question and provide you with feedback, we need your e-mail address, name, surname, and basic details of a legal problem. The intention of submitting an inquiry via the website is not to provide any answers, but to obtain feedback on whether we can help you with our services. Therefore, we advise and ask you to limit information only to field of a problem (e.g. inheritance, divorce), a service that you request (e.g. legal advisory, representation) and potential important deadlines.


Retention period

We will keep the personal data you provided for 30 days as of the day we provided the first feedback to you. If we in the meantime agree on providing you with services, we will keep your data for five years after we will stop providing services to you. Should any of personal data be relevant for potential disputes, we will keep that personal data even longer, i.e. until the expiration of a statute of limitations or until the dispute is finally resolved. 

Categories of users

Personal data will be processed by Odvetnica and other individuals authorized by Odvetnica. Individual personal data may also be processed by any other entity and organization that will provide an appropriate legal basis for obtaining specific information. 

Transfer of data to countries which are not EU state members or EEC

Data may also be transferred (partially or entirely) to countries that are not EU state members or EEC or those who do not ensure the level of personal data protection common for EU and members of EEC. In such cases, Odvetnica will always follow GDPR requirements regarding the transfer of personal data (signing SCC agreements, cooperate with organizations that are appropriately certified by Privacy Shield, etc.). 

Your rights

You have a right: i) to request access to your data; ii) to request a rectification; iii) to request the erasure of personal data; iv) to request a restriction of processing; v) to object to processing; vi) to data portability; vii) to file a complaint with the supervisory authority.

You will be granted all protection and rights according to the General Data Protection Regulation.